Shibumi aikido dojo was founded in St.-Petersburg, Russia, in 1999, to support the people who want to study Aikido of classical Aikikai style. The club is a part of Yamato Aikikai Aikido Foundation, a Russian Aikido organization which has been given Aikido Hombu Recognition.

Aikido keiko-ho (training methods)

Under the leadership of George Zapryagaev, 5 dan Aikikai, a vice-president of Yamato AAF, instructors of Shibumi aikido dojo teach in different areas of the city. In our work we use “4 tai sabaki (4 types of body movements)” method of Fujita Masatake Sensei (Tokyo, Japan), who had been coming to Saint-Petersburg several times a year for more than 15 years. The closest european student of Fujita Sensei, A.H.Bacas Sensei (Hague, Netherlands) also had been coming to Saint-Petersburg for many years. They helped to organize in Saint-Petersburg a lot of seminars of such famous masters of Aikikai aikido as Leisinger Sensei (Germany), Verona Sensei (Italy), Pagano Sensei (Italy) and many others.
Last years in spring time we invite Makoto Ito Sensei, Aikido Hombu Shihan (Tokyo, Japan), for seminars in accordance with the current state of the Aikikai Aikido in Japan and around the world.

Weapon classes

In the weapon classes we use a method of Sugano Seiichi Sensei. At least 2 times a year we organize a seminars of long-time student, Louis Van Thieghem Sensei (Belgium) and others leading masters of Sugano Foundation from Europe and Australia. They included such masters as Alain Dujardin Sensei (Belgium), Frederic Heylbroeck Sensei (Belgium), Hanan Janiv Sensei (Australia), Jikou Sugano Sensei (Australia) and many others. And last year, by the special invitation of Yamato AAF and Louis Van Thieghem Sensei, Tony Smibert Sensei (Australia) came with the one of the best seminars to our city.

Saint-Petersburg City

Saint-Petersburg is a large (about 5 000 000 people) modern city, which was build 300 years ago by order of the Russian emperor Peter The Great who took European cities as a model. It was not only a fortress protecting country from Baltic invaders, but also became a new capital of Russian Empire. Magnificent palaces, cathedrals and parks attract tourists from all over the world.
As for aikido, our city came to be known after the Sport Accord World Combat Games’2013, IAF board meeting and the seminar with the best Aikikai Aikido masters from all over the world was organized in October 2013. This grand celebration of martial arts, and aikido in particular, was organized and conducted in our city at the highest level.

Yamato AAF and Shibumi aikido dojo have wide experience in the receiving of foreign guests willing to participate in aikido seminars and tourist trips. During the seminars or any time we can support an aikido friends and members of theirs families with getting of Russian visas, the hotel accommodation and sightseeing tours.

Welcome to St.-Petersburg!

Contact us:

George Zapryagaev
Phone (+7 921) 9607509

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Официальное признание Фонда Ямато

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Телефон +7 921 9607509
Телеграм Мир айкидо. Aikikai.Online
Санкт-Петербург, Россия
St.-Petersburg, RUSSIA

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